Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Rennaissance

We will cover all the listening examples for the Renaissance in class. For now, answer the following questions:

1. What was the Renaissance? When did it happen, where did it happen, and why?

2. What was the First Council of Trent? When did it happen and why?

3. What happened in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31st, 1517?


  1. PS: Hey kids, make sure you are caught up on your blog entries. I will be entering completion grades on Tuesday evening. You should have 4 entries by then:

    Ancient Greece, Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance.

    -Mr. B.

  2. 1.a transitional movement between medieval tims and modern times, it was in the 14th century till the 17th century in Europe. It gave way to literature, the arts, science, and revived classical influence.

    2.A council made to discuss issues, it was in the holy roman empire(italy) at around the 16th century. It was created to discuss problems with the church teachings and laid the basic rules of the new church out in a great reformation of the catholic church.

    3.Martin Luther accidentaly started the protestant reformation.


  3. The Renaissance was a time period that spanned from the 1400s to the 1600s. This period was focused mainly on music, arts, plays, and a rebirth of knowledge. The spread of the common thoeries started in Florence, and eventually covered all of Europe. What sparked the era of revived creativity and an open mind set was an increase in international trade and overall wealth.

    The First Council of Trent was a group that reformed and sorted out the problems, abuses, and judgements with the Catholic Church in England from 1545 through 1563.

    In Wittenberg, Germany on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posts his 95 theses and views to the castle. Someone reprints it and redistributes it throughout Europe and accidentally sparks the Protestant Reformation.


  4. 1. The Renaissance Period was when composers displayed their more artistic freedom and individualism. It happened from 1400 to the beginning 1600s in western Europe because it allowed artists to not be as strict with their works as in the Medieval period.

    2. It was 19th council in the Catholic Church. It happened from 1545 to 1563, it happened because it was important for the sweeping decrees on self-reform.

    3. Martin Luther nailed the 95 thesis on the door to the church.


  5. 1.Renaissance was in the 14th century, in Italy, because people want to developed new thing, after the religious rules.

    2.I don't know what is First Council of Trent??

    3.October 1517 31, he would "pick Outline of 95" posted on the Wittenberg Cathedral door.


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